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(Just ‘copy and paste’ your videos into this NEW software... and turn your video viewers into actual PAYING CUSTOMERS!)

From: Russell Brunson

Boise, Idaho

Dear Doodler,

I’m so excited that you’ve decided to try Doodly to create easy hand-sketched videos!

And I want to show you how you can turn your Doodle videos into actual dollars and cents…


Yes, you can literally just copy and paste your Doodly videos into a NEW software...

...to turn your video viewers


The fact that you already own Doodly shows that you’re invested in the most powerful tool available to make your audience truly engage with you and your videos!

As you know, without engagement, you have nothing.

And now that you own Doodly, you've got it!

You can now have the impact on the world that you've always wanted!


Whiteboards and Doodly videos are going to help you with everything from:

  • ​Tik ​Tok videos…
  • ​YouTube videos...
  • ​Creating courses..​.
  • Teaching classes..
  • Selling your products or services online...
  • Engaging ads...
  • ​​And so much more...

People creating all of these types of videos have come through our doors...

And SO many people have become successful!

It’s literally SHOCKING

what a few Doodles can do!

So you might be wondering...

“If I’ve got the most powerful engagement tool on the face of the planet…

...What do I DO with all that attention?”

What’s next?

“How do I take my business or my educational offering to the next level?”


I want to cut right to the chase...

There is a large percentage of our Doodly users who have cracked the code...

They’ve figured out exactly HOW to turn their Doodly videos into MONEY…

And now I want to show you how!

In fact, I’ve broken this

simple system down into just

3 simple secrets…

So, take out a pad of paper and a pen, and write these 3 secrets down:


How To Turn Your Doodle Videos Into Actual Courses That People Will Pay You For!


How To Use Your Doodly Videos To Quickly Sell Your New Course!


How To Use Your Doodly Videos To Drive People To Your Website Or Funnel… For FREE!

Ok - let me jump right into Secret #1…

Secret #1:

“How To Turn Your Doodly Videos Into A Course The People Will Pay You For!”

As you know, we are in the “creator economy”...

There are over 50+ million independent content creators now, who make their income online...

And many of them do it by selling their knowledge online through video courses (often created in Doodly!)


There’s NEVER been a better time to enter the online knowledge industry!

Not only has the market exploded in recent years…

There is also NO sign of that growth slowing down!

Course creators have the potential to earn hundreds, and even thousands of dollars...EACH MONTH!

All you have to do is:



Simply create an outline of the modules that you would like to teach…


Create A Doodly VIDEO

Then, create a Doodly video for each module, teaching what’s inside your head…



And finally, plug your videos into a membership site platform, so others can access your knowledge...

Now, there are a LOT of good membership platforms out there…

And although we may be biased, our favorite is ClickFunnels because of how easy it is to use..

That’s Why We Want To GIVE YOU A

FREE 14-Day Trial To ClickFunnels…

(so you can get your course built, with NO extra costs!)


Don’t have an idea for a course yet?

No worries…

When You Get Your Free 14-Day Trial…

You’ll Also Get FREE ACCESS To Our New

“Courserate” Software!


This new software will help you to discover the perfect topic for your online course!

It has over 18,510+ course ideas that can be sorted by market size (i.e. popularity)…so you can create the kind of course that people are looking to take (i.e. purchase from you!)

And yes, this is a FREE gift that we’ll show you how to get (more on that in just a minute...)

So that is Secret #1 - “How To Turn Your Doodly Videos Into A Course The People Will Pay You For!”

Now, I want to move on to Secret #2...

Secret #2:

“How To Use Your Doodly Videos To Quickly SELL Your New Course!”

Now that your course is in a ClickFunnels members area, the next question we always get is,

How do I actually SELL my course?

Well, the secret to getting traffic (or people) into your course, is to use what is called a “Sales Funnel”...

There are lots of different types of sales funnels to sell anything you can think of... There are sales funnels to sell:

  • Books...
  • C​oaching...
  • ​ Ecommerce products..​.
  • Masterminds...

But there are also other funnels that were created and designed specifically to sell COURSES…


With your new ClickFunnels account, you just need to:


Choose A Proven FUNNEL

Choose one of the funnels that are proven to convert for membership sites…


Make Your Doodly VIDEO

Then, make a Doodly video that explains to people WHY they should buy your course...


‘Copy And PASTE’

Simply ‘copy and paste’ your Doodly video into the funnel layout that you’ve chosen and…

BOOM! You’re done!

Now You Have A Sales Machine, Closing Sales For Your Course 24 Hrs A Day…7 Days A Week!

But there’s one last thing you need…

How do you get people to actually SEE your sales video, inside of your sales funnel?

Well, that brings me to Secret #3…

Secret #3:

“How To Use Your Doodly Videos To Drive People To Your Website Or Funnel… For FREE!”

One of the most POWERFUL ways you can use your Doodly videos is to drive traffic from popular video sites, like…







and Instagram...


All you have to do is:


Create a VIDEO that speaks to your customers...


Post it ONLINE...


WATCH the people start coming to your funnel and buying your courses!

You can buy ads to get your video in front of your dream customers…


There are also ways that you can OPTIMIZE your Doodly videos…

So that your videos automatically - for FREE - show up for the exact people that are most likely to buy your course!

YES… it really IS that easy!

Right Now, You’re At A Crossroads…

You have ONE HALF of the equation…

You’ve got Doodly…

You can create amazing videos that can

  • ​Drive TRAFFIC​…
  • ​ SELL your products​…
  • And EDUCATE your customers!



You’re missing the tool that glues them all together.

You’re missing ClickFunnels…

ClickFunnels is...


Your Membership Platform…


Sales Funnel...


Shopping Cart…


Your Email Marketing Software...

And SO Much More!

ClickFunnels Gives You The TOOLS And STRATEGIES You Need To Run Your Business Online... All In One Convenient Spot!

It’s the link between having really cool Doodly videos that “get attention”…

And having really cool videos that actually make you MONEY.

You can literally just ‘copy and paste’ your Doodly videos into ClickFunnels, and start turning your video viewers into PAYING customers!

But don’t take my word for it…

We Have Over 100,000+ Creators, Just Like You

Who Use ClickFunnels Every Day.

In fact, we give out awards called the “Two Comma Club” Award for each person who grosses more than $1 Million dollars inside of their ClickFunnels funnel…

In fact, you’ve probably seen the videos online from some of our members who earned this prestigious award…

And so far we’ve given out over 1,500+ awards!


I don’t know ANY software with more social proof from normal people who have actually made money with their platform…than ClickFunnels.


But even with that…

I know that you’re likely going to be a little skeptical…

You’re probably thinking,

“I know it works…
But will it work for ME?

If so, then I want to take all of the risk away for you right now, and PROVE to you that ClickFunnels CAN work for you.

We have a philosophy here at our company that,

If we can’t make you money, then we don’t deserve yours.


Because of that, we want to give you a 14-Day Trial to use ClickFunnels...for FREE!

Yes, that means that you can build your course, and build your sales funnel and SEE if it will work for you… before you pay ANYTHING!

And if you love it, then you can keep it.

But if you don’t, for any reason, just let us know, and we’ll cancel your account, and you’ll never pay anything.

Sound fair?

Sign Up For Your Free 14-Day Trial To ClickFunnels Right Now...


Bonus #01:

“Courserate” Software

I’m going to GIVE you instant access to our new “Courserate” software that normally sells for $197 - just for testing out the ClickFunnels trial!

Yes! That means, you don’t even have to say ‘yes’ yet…

All you have to do is say, “MAYBE” and it’s yours… for FREE!


This POWERFUL software will give you over 18,510 searchable course ideas inside, ranked based on popularity (aka, what courses people want YOU to make the most!)

It’ll help you to discover the PERFECT topic for your next online course!

Bonus #02:

My Secret
“Membership Funnel”


I told you there were specific funnels that you can use to SELL your course…right?

And there are a lot of amazing templates inside of ClickFunnels…


I Have ONE FUNNEL That I Have Used For Over 10+ Years To Sell ALL Of My Courses…

I keep this one close to my chest, and we don’t give it to all ClickFunnels customers, because if everyone had it, it may not work as well…

So I keep it for my secret projects that NEED the best funnel possible… and today, I’m going to share it with you.

With ONE caveat…

That you DON’T share it with others.

It’s a SHORTCUT that will help put your course on the map, and it’s my special gift to you!

Bonus #03:

Sales ‘Funnel Scripts’ For Course Creators


We have a THOUSAND dollar ‘sales script’ software we sell called “Funnel Scripts”...

What exactly IS that?

Imagine Being Able To Just Fill In Some Blanks...And It Will Write All Of Your Sales Messages For You!

Now, unfortunately I can’t just give you this software, because we’ve had over 10,000+ people pay FULL price for it…

But there are a few certain scripts that you need the MOST to be successful selling your course.

So, we pulled those TWO scripts out, and I’m going to give them to you… for FREE today!

Script #1:

The VIDEO SCRIPT You Need To SELL Your Course!


Just fill in some blanks, click a button, and out comes a script that is proven to convert!

Take this script, plug it into Doodly… ...and in a few hours you’ll have a sales video that you can plug STRAIGHT into your funnel!


Script #2:

The SCRIPT You’ll Need To Create Your VIDEO ADS!


Fill in some blanks, click a button, plug it into Doodly, and you’ve got ads that you can use instantly to get traffic from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and even Tiktok!!!


Bonus #04:

Doodly ELITE Masterclass


I know you want to become the BEST at making Doodly videos...

So I’m going to give you a course called the “Doodly Elite Masterclass” that we currently sell for $97.

It will teach you all the advanced Doodly tips and tricks that would take most people MONTHS - maybe even YEARS - to uncover on their own!

Inside the Masterclass you will:

Get access to 7 modules, (25 powerful videos) - so you can learn how to create videos that are:

  • ​ More professional,
  • ​ More visually stimulating,
  • ​ And far more engaging to your prospects!

Discover how to create better videos that:

  • ​ Get SHARED more often...
  • ​WATCHED longer...
  • ​ And ultimately, get you much better RESULTS!

You Get All 4 INSANE Bonuses For FREE…

Just For Saying Maybe.


You don’t even have to commit right now.

Just try out ClickFunnels FREE for 14-Days…

Test it out…

If you love it - keep it!

If not, let us know and we’ll never bill you a penny… 

Is It OK If We


Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get…





All Of This Is Yours Today For FREE When You Sign Up For The 14-Day ClickFunnels Trial!

So stop what you’re doing right now, and click on the “Create Your Free Account” button now…

And you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to ClickFunnels.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I hope you enjoy your FREE trial of ClickFunnels!


Russell Brunson

P.S. If you’re still on this page, looking at the “Create Your Free Account” button and thinking,

“Maybe this will be a mistake...”

I know it can seem scary.

But my honest advice is to ditch the doubt, and give it a try.

Because there is NO risk here.


Try ClickFunnels FREE for 14 Days…

And THEN decide whether you want to continue.

If you want to, keep it!

If not, just let us know before your trial is over, and we’ll never bill you a penny… 

P.P.S. Inside of ClickFunnels, we often say that you’re just “one funnel away”...

And it’s TRUE...

  • ​You really are just one funnel away from never having to worry again about money again...
  • ​You are one funnel away from from total financial stability...

Why not just see if it could happen for you?

It’s a little scary to cook something for the first time, right?

But if you don’t even try, you’ll never grow as a chef.

And the same holds true for you in business...


You AND your family will miss out on something amazing!

Your money isn’t doing anything for you sitting in your bank account.

You have to spend that money to MAKE money.

That’s how life works - you have to give to GET.

If you don’t, you have no chance at finally turning this passion, this hobby... into a real business.

So hit the button below and create your free ClickFunnels account now.

FDR said,

“There’s nothing to fear but fear itself”.

And the only thing that could be stopping you from giving this a try is FEAR.

I’ve got a secret to share with you...

Fear doesn’t exist.

It’s a fleeting emotion (just a feeling...that’s usually irrational.)

So don’t let it stop you from the most exciting and profitable adventure of your life!

The decision to get Clickfunnels WILL BE the decision you look back upon and say “hey....that’s where things really took off!”

I want you to give yourself a chance at success…

So do yourself a favor and click the button below, and try out ClickFunnels for FREE for 14 Days...

And let’s turn your Doodly videos into a BUSINESS you can be proud of!